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External Security Considerations for CA Dispatch

Access to the CA Dispatch Online Viewing file is accomplished cooperatively using a normal logon (UCF). Security is based on the existing definitions in CA Dispatch. If you use external security in your environment, a call is made from CA Dispatch to your external security package before access is granted. When logging in through CA OM Web Viewer the user is prompted to enter in their CA Dispatch User ID and password.

Modifications may be required if you are using the PANEL option to control access to the Online Viewing panels. Review the settings in the CA Dispatch CADSSEC member in the r11 PPOPTION library, the r11.6 CAIOPTN library, or the 11.7 CADSSRC library to determine if the panel level security is set in your environment.

If set, panel level security requires read access to the following dialogs:


Note: After updating your external security definitions to allow access to the new dialog panels, recycle the CA Dispatch task to implement the changes.

For more information about using external security with CA Dispatch, see the chapter "Security" in the CA Dispatch Systems Programmer Guide.