Starting Your Product › Start CA DRAS › Start and Stop CA DRAS
Start and Stop CA DRAS
You can start and stop CA DRAS by using the following CA DRAS commands.
Use one of the following methods to start CA DRAS:
- Submit a batch job using CAIPROC member BY3CJST as a model.
- Issue an MVS START command at the console and execute CA DRAS as a started task.
When the CA DRAS task is started successfully, the following messages display:
- CAHFMTK021I CA DRAS server (rryy SPnn yymm) started
(where rr=release, nn=service pack, yy=2 digit year, mm=month).
- CAHFMTK004I CCI communication started.
- CAHFMTK005I request processing threads created.
- CAHFSCM002I DRAS message processing initialized successfully.
- CAHFSCM001I CA DRAS server initialized successfully.
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