Prerequisites and Requirements › CA Common Services Prerequisites › CAICCI
CAICCI (Common Communications Interface) provides CA enterprise applications with a wealth of capabilities, including common communications, cooperative processing, and database server facilities, and distributed database management. Full support for all forms of distributed processing helps ensure the highest degree of flexibility for the enterprise.
CA DRAS uses the CAICCI service to provide communication between client applications and the servers. CAICCI is a facility that allows CA products to communicate with other applications in a simple, straightforward manner.
CAICCI builds a layer on top of today's communication and network software so that an application can be isolated from the specifics of its environment.
Be aware of the following:
- CAICCI must be installed into an APF (Authorized Program Facility) authorized library. The library used must be the same as the one used for CAIENF component installation.
- CAICCI runs as a CAIENF subtask within CAIENFs address space. CAICCI uses the same database as the one allocated and initialized for CAIENF to use. CAICCI requires that an update is made to the CAIENF database. For more information, see CA Common Services documentation.
CAICCI provides robust TCP/IP support, and this protocol can be used to connect a wide variety of platforms and applications. Mainframes and PCs can be inter‑connected, using TCP/IP.
Be aware of the following:
- If you are using TCP/IP as your communications protocol, a mainframe TCP/IP product must be installed in addition to the base CAICCI component. Currently, CA TCPAccess Communications Server and IBM TCP/IP products are supported for z/OS.
- CAICCI utilizes TCP/IP using one or more separate server address spaces to coordinate TCP/IP processing for CAICCI. The CCITCP server task supports mainframe-to-PC connections using TCP/IP, and is required for CA DRAS.
- Use the appropriate client/server protocol parm, depending on vendor for TCPIP or C runtime, as described in the CA Common Services documentation.
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