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Distribute Report Data

The distribution specification for a dynamic report determines how to distribute the report data.

Enter D, on the command line of the Report Definition Attributes panel, to navigate to the Distribution Specifications screen. You can now define the details of the dynamic report.

CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------- Command ===> D ID ---> TRJOB02-D01 Job ---> TRJOB02 Step ---> UPDTSTEP Procstep ---> DD ---> REPTS Type ---> DYNAM Desc ===> Attributes: ARCH ===> BANNER ===> BURST ===> CC ===> CLASS ===> COPIES ===> FCB ===> FORM ===> FLASH ===> ( , ) LATE ===> OPTCDJ ===> UCS ===> FORMDF ===> PAGEDF ===> PRMODE ===> PRSET ===> PRTY ===> GRPID ===> CHARS ===> ( , , , ) MODIFY ===> ( , ) COPYG ===> ( , , , , , , , ) The following attributes may be selected by entering the 1-character selection code on the command input line: B - Bundle specifications. D - Distribution specifications. I - Special instructions. T - Report identification text.

The combination of Variable and Distribution specifications provide the flexibility to use report data to generate report and distribution names.

CA Deliver ---------------- Report Definition Attributes (1)------- Report saved Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> TRJOB02-D01 Job ---> TRJOB02 Step ---> UPDTSTEP Procstep ---> DD ---> REPTS Type ---> DYNAM Variable Specifications: Sel Name Line Column Length REGION 2 8 2

Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Type Report/Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS REPT QTRLY REG&REGION DIST REG&REGION Y YYYYYYY

Variable names identify the location of data in the report page. System variables are available for job-related information; for example, &JOB, &JID, &SYSID, &WRITER, &USERID, &DD, &DATE, &JULDATE, &WEEKDAY, &MONTH, &DAY, and &YEAR. For a description of the system variables, see Report Distribution Specifications Subpanel (DYNAM report) in the Appendix.

The Distribution Specifications combines variables and constants to build report and distribution names. The Type field identifies the name that is being defined. The Type field can be specified as REPT to define a report name or DIST to define the distribution name. A REPT entry must be defined first followed by the associated DIST entries for the report entry. Multiple DIST entries can be specified for a given report entry and multiple sets of REPT and DIST entries can also be specified.

The variable names in the REPT and DIST entries are resolved during distribution of the report. Leading and trailing blanks are removed from the variable data during construction of the name. If a variable is blank, a dot (“.”) is used as the default value. Define the final resolved dynamic distribution name to the CA Deliver database and it can reference an individual distribution identifier or a distribution list.

Defining multiple DIST entries for a given REPT entry is permitted. However, if these DIST entries resolved to the same distribution identifier or list name, the distribution attributes, that is, DEST, WRITER, and OUT, from the DIST entry that first determines the unique distribution identifier or list name is used. If you have different output requirements for the same distribution identifier, we recommend that you define these differences in a distribution list definition or in alternate dynamic report definitions as opposed to defining multiple DIST entries.

A printed copy is created for each unique combination of REPT and DIST type with OUT=Y.

An Archive copy is created for each unique REPT type. The Archive copy keeps track of the distribution names and associated pages.