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System-Wide Command Functions

The system-wide commands are described in this list.


Starts the tutorial and provides information about the panel currently displayed

HELP also provides additional information in the long message area to augment an error message that is displayed in the short message area

To start the tutorial or to display additional information in the long message area, enter HELP on the command line on the Primary Selection Menu panel.


Saves any changes you made on a panel, terminates the operation you are currently performing, and returns you to the previous panel

To save changes, terminate CA Deliver, and return to the previous panel, enter END on the command line on the Primary Selection Menu panel.


Saves any changes you made on a panel, bypasses all intermediate-level panels, and returns you to the Primary Selection Menu panel

To terminate CA Deliver, go to the Primary Selection Menu panel, then enter RETURN on the command line.


Used with the scroll field options, for example, half page, full page, top, and bottom

Scroll up, down, left, or right through the text that is displayed on the current panel whenever the text extends beyond the screen borders.

To define the scroll value, enter UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT on the command line on the Primary Selection Menu panel.

Note: The scroll field options are described in Using Scroll Field Options later in this chapter.


Moves the cursor to the command line on the panel that is currently displayed


Displays a previously entered system-wide command or input command on the command line

Commands are recalled in a most-recent-to-earliest sequence. You can change a displayed command; the new command is processed when you press Enter.

= (JUMP)

You can jump from one operation or panel to another operation or panel without displaying the intervening panels

Enter this command (referred to as the JUMP command) on the command line.

Syntax: =x y

where x is an option and y is an operand.

The options are as follows:

The operands for option A (Active Display) are:

Example: =A B immediately displays a selection list of active bundles.

Select the options and operands for the = (JUMP) command on the Primary Selection Menu panel.


Assigns or reassigns commands to PF keys

Assigning commands to PF keys is described in Assigning and Reassigning PF Keys later in this chapter.