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The following are the fields on the Report Identification Text subpanel and their descriptions:


Defines the tabular commands in this column.


Specifies the type of text string to be used to select the segment.

Values are as follows:

X or XCL

Specifies the beginning of an exclusive segment

P or PAG

Specifies the page segment

B or BEG

Specifies the beginning of an overlapping segment

E or END

Specifies the end of an overlapping segment

A or AND

Specifies the text string used with a previous text string to select the beginning or end of a segment. The character "&" can also be used.

O or OR

Specifies the text string used to select the beginning or end of a segment if a previously associated string is not found. The character "|" can also be used.


Specifies the text string used as an 'OR' condition for the previous statement.


Specifies a reusability indicator.

Values are as follows:


Indicates the text string (X, P, or B in Type field) can be used to select another segment


Indicates the text string cannot be reused

Note: If E, A, O or AOR is entered under Type, the Reus field is ignored.


Specifies text string value.

Values are as follows:

EQ, =, or blank = equal to

NE or ^= not equal to

LT or < less than

GT or > greater than

LE or <= less than or equal to

GE or >=greater than or equal to the text string specified under Text

For the EQ, LT, LE, GT, and GE operators, the search text is compared against each column within the column and line range. If the comparison of any column matches the specified operator, the evaluation is considered true. For the NE operator, the evaluation is considered true if the search text is not found anywhere within the column and line range.


Specifies the beginning and ending line number (1 to 255) where the text string search..

*—specified in beg line indicates that all lines up to a maximum of 255 lines per page are searched.


Specifies the beginning and ending column (1–32760) where the text string search.

*—specified in beg column indicates that all columns are searched.


Specifies the text string used in the comparison.

You can scroll the Text field sideways, left to right and right to left. The COLS field indicates the text field column range.

Use single quotation marks only if they are to be included in the search.