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Step 11: Specify Identification Text for Report 5

Report 4 consists of the entire data set. Use the report identification text criteria specified in these steps to select the entire data set.

Note: The text in the first row, first column is always either a blank or not a blank.

  1. Enter values into the fields over the existing Identification text so that your panel looks like this example.

    CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------ Row 00001 of 00003 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> U90526-R05 Job ---> U90526 Step ---> Procstep ---> DD ---> Type ---> STACK Report Identification Text: Line Column Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg End Text PAG Y EQ 2 3 8 '02' AOR N EQ 2 3 8 '04' AND N EQ 1 44 'SUMMARY'

    ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

    In the above identification text the AOR type is used. AOR indicates an ‘or’ condition for the statement.

    Note: The OR Type is an ‘or’ condition at the segment level.

    The statements are interpreted as follows:

        ( line 2-3, column 8 = ‘02’ OR  ‘04’ ) AND line 1 column 44 = SUMMARY 

    This identification text selects all pages containing Region 02 or Region 04 and the pages selected must also contain the SUMMARY identifier.

  2. Exit the Report Definition Attributes panel.

    The information you entered for report 5 is saved in the database.
