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The following are the fields on the Active Report List panels and their descriptions:


Defines the tabular commands in this column.

Report ID

Specifies the report identifier.

Job Def Name

Specifies the name of the job that creates the report.

Exec Jobname

Specifies the name of the job that creates the report.

Exec Jobid

Specifies the JES identifier number of the job creating the report.

This field is blank until the report is selected for creation.


Indicates the status of the report.

Values are as follows:

Blank—The report is active and has not been opened

ACT PEND—The report (pending its use) is activated automatically

BNDL SEL—The report has been selected for bundling

BNDLWAIT—The report has been created and is awaiting bundling

DELETE—The bundle holding copy is to be deleted

DELETED—The bundle holding copy has been deleted

JESQWAIT—The bundle holding copy is waiting to be queued in JES

OPEN—The report is open and at least one record has been written

PURGED—The job that created the report has been purged

QUEUED—The report has been closed and is queued for printing


Indicates whether an exception has occurred for the report.

Values are as follows:

Blank—No exceptions exist for the report

ABEND—The job that created the report ended abnormally

LATE—The report is late

NPROD—The report was not produced

Job Seq

Specifies the internal sequence number assigned to the job creating the report.

Create Sysid

Specifies the identifier for the system creating the job.

Late Time

Specifies the time when the report is marked late if it has not been queued for printing in an hh:mm format (for example, 23:15).

Dist Days

Specifies the day of the week that the report was processed.

The distribution day by default is based on the day that the job was submitted and the setting of the BEGINDAY initialization parameter. Jobs submitted before the BEGINDAY setting are considered part of the previous day's cycle.

View Gen

Specifies the CA View generation number.

View Seq

Specifies the CA View SYSOUT sequence number.

Bundle ID

Specifies the bundle identifier.

Bndl Xwtr

Specifies the external writer number of the bundle holding copy.