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The following are the fields on the Bundle Definition Attributes panel and their descriptions:


Specifies the 1- to 40-character description of the bundle that is displayed on the Bundle Selection List panel in the Desc field.


Specifies the name of the model banner page that is to print at the beginning and end of a report.

Values are as follows:

The name of the model bundle, distribution, and/or report banner page (in this order between the commas).


Accepts the default banner page

*—Suppresses the printing of the banner page


Specifies the bundle distribution identifier for the recipients of the reports to be used on the bundle banner page.

Address information is printed on the bundle banner page.

Leave this field blank to use the distribution identifier for the first distribution point in the bundle.


Specifies the time in a 24-hour hh:mm format when the bundle is to be output for printing.

Reports are output even when all reports in the bundle have not been created.

Bundle Confirm

Specifies that a confirmation indicator is needed before the bundle is to be printed even though all reports in the bundle are not created.

Values are as follows:


The bundle is not to be printed until the P (print bundle now) tabular command has been entered on the Active Bundle List panel


You do not need to enter P to print the bundle.


Accepts the BNDLCONF initialization parameter setting


Specifies the time in a 24-hour hh:mm format when subsequent continuation bundles are to be created.

Values are as follows:


The hours and minutes when continuation bundles are to be created


Continuation bundles are not to be created


Accepts the default interval

Wait (Int)

Specifies whether to hold bundles for production or to print bundles until the interval time.

Values are as follows:


The bundle does not print until its bundling interval has expired


The bundle need not wait for its bundling interval to expire if all of the reports it needs are available for bundling


Uses the default wait indicator

Wait (Late)

Specifies whether to hold bundles for production or to print bundles until the late time.

Values are as follows:


The bundle does not print until its late time has expired


The bundle need not wait for its late time to expire if all the reports it needs are available for bundling

Job Statement Information

Specifies the job statement composed of 1 to 4 card images to submit a batch job to create the bundle.


Allows the bundle to be dynamically created by the started task; it is easier to track and reference a bundle if you use job statements