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Email Variables

All banner page variables are also available in the EMAIL PARMS and EMAIL TEXT sections. The EMAIL TEXT section contains both email message text and CA Spool control commands. See the CA Spool documentation for the meaning of these commands.

Note: Variables used in these sections do not use a trailing delimiter. The variables are replaced and trailing blanks are removed.

This sample EMAIL TEXT section contains the following line:


When the email is actually sent, it appears as

CREATED: 04/01/2012 10:44:59

Note: Each line of email text is limited to 133 characters. The value of some variables, like &RID, &ARCHID, or &DESC, can cause the line to exceed 133 characters. Only the first 133 characters of each line appear in the email.

If the first line of email text contains MSGTYPE=HTML, it indicates that the message contains HTML formatted text. For this type of message, reserved HTLM control characters in email variables must be deleted and replaced with their HTML entity number.


HTML Entity Number

Quotation mark (")


Apostrophe (‘)


Ampersand (&)


Less-Than (<)


Greater-Than (>)


If a Report-ID (RID), Archive-ID (ARCHID), or Description (DESC) makes extensive use of these characters, the expanded email message line exceeds 133 characters.