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To repeat an entry five times, enter R5 in the Sel column next to the entry you want to repeat (in this case, the instruction SENSITIVE DATA – ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES).

CA Deliver ----------- Report Definition Attributes ---- Row 00001 of 00001 Command ===> Scroll===> HALF ID ---> CHECKREG Job ---> TRJOB02 Step ---> Procstep ---> DD ---> Type ---> Special Instructions: Sel Instruction R5 'SENSITIVE DATA - ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES' *****************************BOTTOM OF DATA*******************************

When you enter the REPEAT tabular command, the panel looks like this:

CA Deliver --------- Report Definition Attributes ---- Row 00001 of 00006 Command ===> Scroll===> HALF ID ---> CHECKREG Job ---> TRJOB02 Step ---> Procstep ---> DD ---> Type ---> Special Instructions: Sel Instruction 'SENSITIVE DATA - ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES' 'SENSITIVE DATA - ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES' 'SENSITIVE DATA - ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES' 'SENSITIVE DATA - ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES' 'SENSITIVE DATA - ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES' 'SENSITIVE DATA - ASSURE SECURITY AT ALL TIMES' ***************************BOTTOM OF DATA********************************