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To start CA Deliver using the ISPF terminal management system:

  1. Log on to your system.
  2. Do one of the following, depending on whether you have a CLIST at your site that automatically invokes ISPF when you log on:

---------- ISPF/PTF Primary Option Menu for System MVS01/TSO6 ------- OPTION ===> D USERID GJONES 0 ISPF PARMS Specify terminal and user parameters TIME 15:12 1 BROWSE Display source data or output listings TERMINAL 3278 2 EDIT Create or change source data PF KEYS 24 3 UTILITIES Perform utility functions 4 FOREGROUND Invoke language processors in foreground 5 BATCH Submit job for language processing 6 COMMAND Enter TSO command or CLIST 7 DIALOG TEST Perform dialog testing C CHANGES Display summary of changes for this release I ISMF Invoke interactive storage management facility S IPCS PBCS problem analysis services T TUTORIAL Display information about ISPF/PDF D DELIVER Invoke CA Deliver Online Facility U UTILITIES Other Third Party or In-house Supported Utilities

- - X EXIT Terminate ISPF using log and list defaults Enter END command to terminate ISPF.

In the previous illustration, GJONES (see USERID in the upper-right corner) used the ISPF terminal management system to log on.

Note: The options displayed on your ISPF Primary Option Menu panel might be different than the options shown in the illustration.

  1. Enter D in the OPTION field, and press Enter to start CA Deliver and display the Primary Selection Menu panel.

CA Deliver - Primary Selection for DELIVER.SYSTEM1 -------------------- Command ===> A Active Display Display selection list of active reports or bundles. B Bundle Data Display bundle data. D Distribution Data Display distribution data. J Job Data Display job data. R Report Data Display report data. Operands for A: B Display selection list of active bundles. R Display selection list of active reports (default). X Limit selection list to exceptions. PREV Display selection list for previous cycle. Operand for B,D,J,R: Omit operand for complete selection list. Specify identifier to display data. Specify generic identifier for limited selection list. L For D only, display list of distribution lists. Enter END command to terminate this CA Deliver session.