Previous Topic: Step 3. Run RMODBASENext Topic: Updating Distribution Data in Batch

Step 4. Update the Panels with Email Distribution Data

To send email and email notification, each DISTID must have an associated email address and web server.

Add these parameters online using the fields on the Distribution Data panel.

CA Deliver - Distribution Data for Distid: D27SYSP4 ----------------------

Command ===>

Destination: Dest ===> CA Connect Node ===> NO ( YES or NO ) Writer ===> Class ===> Email ===> GEORGE.JONES@AAM.COM EFormat ===> EMAILFMT WebSvr ===> 1

Distribute to: ===> DEPT 27 - SYS PROG (GEORGE) ===> GEORGE JONES ===> BLDG A 32 - MS 55 A ===> TEMPLE STREET FACILITY ===>

Update the information on the Report Definition Attributes panel to specify the email designations.

CA Deliver ----------- Report Definition Attributes (1) ---- Row 00001 of 00010

Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE

ID ---> EDITREPT01 Job ---> EDITSTEP Step ---> TRJOB01 Procstep ---> DD ---> EDITLIST Type ---> Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS D27SYSP4 E YYYYYYY * D27VPRES E YYYYYYY D27PRES E MAILPDF YYYYYYY

******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************

In this example, distribution identifiers D27SYSP4 and D27VPRES are grouped which causes one email to be sent to two recipients. In addition D27PRES receives a separate email using the email MAILPDF format.

Report distribution lists can also specify the name of the email format for each recipient. No email is sent if a blank or nonexistent format is specified.

Note: This specification overrides the email format found in the D27PRES DISTID.