Previous Topic: Step 4: Specify Report Definition AttributesNext Topic: Reviewing the Results

Step 5: Change a Distribution List

Somehow, the Sales President was overlooked and has to view the reports through CA Output Management (OM) Web Viewer like the Vice President.

Follow these steps to make the changes that allow the Sales President, D29PRES, to view the reports.

  1. On the command line of the Primary Selection Menu panel, enter D, a space, and then D29LIST (which is the distribution list you assigned).

    Note: The L operand on the D command is only needed when you are creating a distribution list. This operand can be omitted when you are displaying an existing distribution list.

    CA Deliver - Primary Selection for DELIVER.SYSTEM1 ---------------------------- Command ===> D D29LIST A Active Display - Display selection list of active reports or bundles. B Bundle Data - Display bundle data. D Distribution Data - Display distribution data. J Job Data - Display job data. R Report Data - Display report data. Operands for A: B - Display selection list of active bundles. R - Display selection list of active reports (default). X - Limit selection list to exceptions. PREV - Display selection list for previous cycle. Operand for B,D,J,R: Omit operand for complete selection list. Specify identifier to display data. Specify generic identifier for limited selection list. L - For D only, display list of distribution lists. Enter END command to terminate this CA Deliver session.

  2. Press Enter to display the Distribution List panel for your distribution list.

    CA Deliver - Distribution List (1) ------------------------- Row 00001 of 00007 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> D29LIST Desc ===> DEPARTMENT 29 LIST Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS D29ACCT Y ACCT COLOR YYYYYYY D29MGR Y YYYYYYY D29AP Y PRT12 YYYYYYY D29SMG01 N YYYYYYY D29SMG02 N YYYYYYY D29SMG03 N YYYYYYY D29VPRES Y PRT27 YYYYYYY

    ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  3. Enter the R tabular command next to D29VPRES under Sel, and press Enter to repeat the line.

    CA Deliver - Distribution List (1) ------------------------- Row 00001 of 00007 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> D29LIST Desc ===> DEPARTMENT 29 LIST Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS D29ACCT Y ACCT COLOR YYYYYYY D29MGR Y YYYYYYY D29AP Y PRT12 YYYYYYY D29SMG01 N YYYYYYY D29SMG02 N YYYYYYY D29SMG03 N YYYYYYY R D29VPRES Y PRT27 YYYYYYY

    ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  4. The Distribution List panel now displays two D29VPRES entries. Change the second distribution identifier D29VPRES to D29PRES.

    CA Deliver - Distribution List (1) ------------------------- Row 00001 of 00008

    Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> D29LIST Desc ===> DEPARTMENT 29 LIST Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS D29ACCT Y ACCT COLOR YYYYYYY D29MGR Y YYYYYYY D29AP Y PRT12 YYYYYYY D29SMG01 N YYYYYYY D29SMG02 N YYYYYYY D29SMG03 N YYYYYYY D29VPRES Y PRT27 YYYYYYY D29PRES N YYYYYYY ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  5. Enter END on the command line and press Enter to save the Distribution List.

    The message Distribution list saved displays in the short message area of the Distribution List panel.

    Because you changed the distribution list, the sales president now has access to all of the U90955 reports.