Previous Topic: Scanning AFP RecordsNext Topic: Step 2: Specify Report Definition Attributes for Report 1

Step 1: List a Distribution Identifier and Define a Job

  1. On the command line of the Primary Selection Menu panel, enter

    D D29*

    and press Enter.

    The Distribution Selection List panel, which contains a complete list of distribution identifiers for department 29, is displayed.

    CA Deliver ------------ Distribution Selection List (1) ----------------------- Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Sel Distribution ID Line 1 List ==> D29* * * D29ACCT DEPT 29 - ACCOUNTANT D29MGR DEPT 29 - MANAGER D29AP DEPT 29 - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  2. Scan the list for D29AP, the distribution identifier for Accounts Payable.

    If the distribution identifier you want is not listed, check your spelling. If you are sure that you entered the name correctly, define a new distribution identifier. For more information, see Rules for Defining Distribution Identifiers in the chapter "Defining Basic Reports."

  3. Enter RETURN on the command line and press Enter to display the Primary Selection Menu panel.
  4. Enter J TRJOB02 on the command line and press Enter to display the Reports for Job panel.
  5. Enter UPDATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE in the Desc field.
  6. On the Reports for Job panel, enter:

      under Stepname.
    2. REPTS

      under DDname.
    3. TRJOB02-R01

      under Report ID and


      under Type.
    4. TRJOB02-R02

      under Report ID and S under Type
    5. TRJOB02-R03

      under Report ID and S under Type

      CA Deliver ---------------- Reports for Job: TRJOB02 ------- Row 00001 of 00010 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Desc ===> UPDATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Prevrun ===> Sel Stepname Procstep DDname Report ID Type Prevrun

      UPDTSTEP REPTS TRJOB02-R01 S TRJOB02-R02 S TRJOB02-R03 S ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

    In this example, three new reports are added to job TRJOB02. A Report Definition Attributes panel is then displayed for each of the reports.

  7. Press Enter to display the Report Definition Attributes panel for the first report.

    CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------- Command ===> ID ---> TRJOB02-R01 Job ---> TRJOB02 Step ---> UPDTSTEP Procstep ---> DD ---> REPTS Type ---> STACK Desc ===> Arch ID ===> Attributes: ARCH ===> BANNER ===> BURST ===> CC ===> CLASS ===> COPIES ===> FCB ===> FORM ===> FLASH ===> ( , ) LATE ===> OPTCDJ ===> UCS ===> FORMDF ===> PAGEDF ===> PRMODE ===> PRSET ===> PRTY ===> GRPID ===> CHARS ===> ( , , , ) MODIFY ===> ( , ) COPYG ===> ( , , , , , , , ) The following attributes may be selected by entering the 1-character selection code on the command input line: B - Bundle specifications. D - Distribution specifications. I - Special instructions. T - Report identification text.