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Displaying Report Historical Data

You can display the following historical data for a selected report:

You can do the following:

To display historical data for a selected report, enter H in the Sel column of the Reports for Job panel, Report Selection List panel, or Active Report List panel.

On the command line of the Primary Selection Menu panel, enter J, a space, and the job name.

For example, you specify the job name TRJOB01 in the JCL for the job as follows:

CA Deliver - Primary Selection for DELIVER.SYSTEM1 ---------------------------- Command ===> J TRJOB01 A Active Display - Display selection list of active reports or bundles. B Bundle Data - Display bundle data. D Distribution Data - Display distribution data. J Job Data - Display job data. R Report Data - Display report data. Operands for A: B - Display selection list of active bundles. R - Display selection list of active reports (default). X - Limit selection list to exceptions. PREV - Display selection list for previous cycle. Operand for B,D,J,R: Omit operand for complete selection list. Specify identifier to display data. Specify generic identifier for limited selection list. L - For D only, display list of distribution lists. Enter END command to terminate this CA Deliver session.

  1. Press Enter to display the Reports for Job panel.

    CA Deliver ---------------- Reports for Job: TRJOB01 ------- Row 00001 of 00001 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Desc ===> Prevrun ===> Sel Stepname Procstep DDname Report ID Type Prevrun EDITSTEP EDITLIST TRJOB01-R01 ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  2. Enter H in the Sel column next to the first entry.

    CA Deliver - Report Historical Data ------------------------ Row 00001 of 00005 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> TRJOB01-R01 Sel Gen Jobname Jobid Lines Pages -- Print Queued -- Prevrun +0 TRJOB01 JOB07400 1564 300 11/10/2013 09:34:30 -1 TRJOB01 JOB02379 1562 300 11/10/2013 08:46:48 -2 TRJOB01 JOB05263 1495 298 11/09/2013 09:32:07 -2 TRJOB01 JOB05261 1461 297 11/09/2013 09:31:12 -2 TRJOB01 JOB05219 1430 296 11/09/2013 09:07:43 ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  3. Press Enter to display the Report Historical Data panel for the selected job.