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Control Break Identification and User Field Identification Subpanel

The Control Break Identification subpanel is used to define the location within a report where separator pages are to be inserted for control breaks.

The User Field Identification is used to define which portions of the data within the report are to be extracted for insertion on the separator pages.

To display the Control Break Identification and User Field Identification subpanels, enter T on the command line from the Report Special Instructions subpanel, and press Enter.

The lower portion of the Report Definition Attributes panel is refreshed with the Control Break Identification and User Field Identification subpanels.

CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------ Command ===> ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Control Break Identification: Line : Normalized: YES Col : Separator : SEPARATE Length: User Field Identification: Line Col Length Line Col Length Field 1: Field 2: Field 3: Field 4: Field 5: Field 6: Field 7: Field 8: Field 9: