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Panel Format

The Primary Selection Menu panel appears when you log on to CA Deliver. Notice the first three lines of the online panels; all panels share this common format.

This illustration shows the typical parts of a panel:

Drawing1parts of a panel

1 Short message area

Displays the product name

This text always displays when you run CA Deliver.

2 Panel name

Identifies the panel you are using or the operation you are performing

3 Short message area

Displays the following:

Note: An error usually generates an audible alarm if your terminal has sound capabilities.

You can display more information about error messages in the long message area.

4 Command line

The area on the panel where you enter commands or options (described later in this chapter)

5 Scroll field

Displays the scroll field option you selected

How you scroll through the display - by panels, lines, columns, up and down, and top and bottom

Scroll field options are described in Using Scroll Field Options, later in this chapter. This field is also used to permanently change or temporarily override the scroll field option.

Note: The scroll field is available only on selected panels.

6 Long message area

Displays additional information about error messages that are displayed in the short message area

When an error message is displayed in the short message area, you issue the HELP command to display additional error information.

On some panels, the error information that is displayed in the long message area might temporarily obscure the column headings or other panel information.

Note: The illustration does not show information in the long message area.

7 Panel body

Displays unique panel information, such as lists of options, input fields, or scrollable text

Note: The illustration contains a list of options in the panel body.