Previous Topic: What Is a Bundle of Reports?Next Topic: What Is a Bundle Banner Page?

What Is a Continuation Bundle?

A continuation bundle is a bundle assembled from reports that are available when an interval of time (that you specified) elapses. Reports produced after the initial continuation bundle is assembled are included in subsequently-produced continuation bundles when the reports are ready to be printed.

You specify if and when continuation bundles are produced.

The system prints continuation bundles until all reports that you specify for inclusion in the bundle are either printed or placed in a "not produced" status.

Note: Subsequently produced continuation bundles retain the same bundle identifier as the original continuation bundle with which they are associated.

Parts of a Bundle

The system prints three kinds of banner pages in a bundle of reports:

This illustration shows bundle SABUNDL2 (including the three kinds of banner pages), which you create in this scenario.

Continuation Bundle