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What Is a Distribution Banner Page?

A distribution banner page is a type of banner page that identifies the beginning and end of a group of reports to be delivered to a single distribution identifier.

This illustration shows a beginning distribution banner page.

* START DISTRIBUTION ************************************* DISTRIBUTION START * * START DISTRIBUTION AMALGAMATED AMERICAN MANUFACTURING DISTRIBUTION START * * START DISTRIBUTION TEMPLE STREET FACILITY - LOS ANGELES DISTRIBUTION START * * START DISTRIBUTION ************************************* DISTRIBUTION START * * DDDDDD 0000 1 V V PPPPP RRRRR EEEEE SSSSS * * D D 0 0 11 V V P P R R E S * * D D 0 0 1 V V PPPPP RRRRR EEEE SSSS * * D D 0 0 1 V V P R R E S * * D D 0 0 1 V V P R R E S * * DDDDDD 0000 11111 V P R R EEEEE SSSSS * ******************************************************************************* * DIST ID: D01VPRES DATE: 08/16/12 * * CLASS: X TIME: 23:55:15 * ******************************************************************************* * DISTRIBUTE REPORTS TO: * CONTENTS BY REPORT: * * MS. MOLLY BLOOM * U50500-R01 * * DEPT. 01 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * START DISTRIBUTION ************************************* START DISTRIBUTION *