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Assign the Redisplay Input Command to a PF Key

Assigning the REDISP input command to a PF key saves you time because you need not reenter the REDISP command each time you want to redisplay bundle identifiers.

  1. On the command line of the Primary Selection Menu panel, enter the system-wide command KEYS, and press Enter to display the PF Key Definitions panel.

CA Deliver - PF Key Definitions - Primary Keys -------------------------------- Command ===> Number of PF Keys ===> 24 PF 1 ===> HELP PF 2 ===> PF 3 ===> END PF 4 ===> RETURN PF 5 ===> RFIND PF 6 ===> PF 7 ===> UP PF 8 ===> DOWN PF 9 ===> SWAP PF10 ===> LEFT PF11 ===> RIGHT PF12 ===> CURSOR Press ENTER key to display alternate keys. Enter END command to exit.

  1. Enter REDISP in the PF2 field.

CA Deliver - PF Key Definitions - Primary Keys -------------------------------- Command ===> Number of PF Keys ===> 24 PF 1 ===> HELP PF 2 ===> REDISP PF 3 ===> END PF 4 ===> RETURN PF 5 ===> RFIND PF 6 ===> PF 7 ===> UP PF 8 ===> DOWN PF 9 ===> SWAP PF10 ===> LEFT PF11 ===> RIGHT PF12 ===> CURSOR Press ENTER key to display alternate keys. Enter END command to exit.

  1. Press Enter to display PF keys 13 through 24 and enter REDISP in the PF14 field.

CA Deliver - PF Key Definitions - Alternate Keys ------------------------------ Command ===> Number of PF Keys ===> 24 NOTE: The definitions below apply only to terminals with 24 PF keys. PF13 ===> HELP PF14 ===> REDISP PF15 ===> END PF16 ===> RETURN PF17 ===> RFIND PF18 ===> PF19 ===> UP PF20 ===> DOWN PF21 ===> SWAP PF22 ===> LEFT PF23 ===> RIGHT PF24 ===> RETRIEVE Press ENTER key to display primary keys. Enter END command to exit.

  1. Press PF3 or PF15 to display the Primary Selection Menu panel.

You have assigned the input command REDISP to PF2 and PF14.