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Manually Deleting Reports and Rerunning Jobs That End Abnormally

  1. Check the data in each of the reports that comprised the abnormally-ended job:
  2. On the command line of the Primary Selection Menu panel, enter A, a space and B, and press Enter to display the Active Bundle List (1) panel.

    CA Deliver - Active Bundle List (1) ------------------------------------------- Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Remaining Sel Bundle ID Intvl Time Wait Status Excpt ==> * * * * * APBUNDL1 00:00 APBUNDL2 00:00 QUEUED ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  3. Move the cursor down the Sel column next to the bundle that contains the reports with bad data.
  4. Enter C (the Display Bundle Contents tabular command), and press Enter to display the Active Report List for Bundle panel.

    CA Deliver - Active Report List for Bundle (1) APBUNDL1 ----------------------- Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Job Def Exec Exec Sel Report ID Name Jobname Jobid Status Excpt ==> * * * * * * TRJOB02-R01 TRJOB02 TRJOB02 JOB05496 BNDLWAIT TRJOB02-R02 TRJOB02 TRJOB02 JOBO5765 BNDLWAIT TRJOB02-R03 TRJOB02 TRJOB02 JOB05555 BNDLWAIT ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  5. Move the cursor down the Sel column to the report that contains the bad data, enter D and press Enter.

    DELETE is displayed in the Status field. The message BUNDLE COPY DELETED is displayed in the short message area.

  6. Repeat Step 5 until all reports that contain bad data are deleted.
  7. Press PF4 or PF16 to display the Primary Selection Menu panel.
  8. Resubmit the job that created the bundle.

Note: If you do not expect to rerun the job or job step that produced the bundle, you must issue the P command (FORCE PRINT tabular command) to print and clear the bundle.