Microsoft Windows user authentication is used to automatically generate new user accounts. When the user next starts up their browser or e-mail application after the CA DataMinder Client Integration software has been installed on their machine, CA DataMinder will create an automatic account name for them that includes their domain, for example unipraxis\frankschaeffer.
Implications for manually created accounts
Because CA DataMinder uses Windows user authentication, this means that if an administrator wants to create a new account for a specific user, the administrator must enter an account name that matches the automatic name that would normally be created for the user when they start up their browser, e-mail application or the Administration console. Typically, this means the administrator must include the domain prefix in the user's account name.
If the administrator omits the domain prefix (for example, frankschaeffer), CA DataMinder will be unable to resolve the new user against the existing accounts when the user next starts up their browser or e-mail application. As a result, CA DataMinder will create a duplicate account name for the user that includes their domain (unipraxis\frankschaeffer), and all captured data will be associated with this account and not the administrator-created account.
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