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Publish or Unpublish a Search

To make a search available to all other iConsole users, you need to publish it. To remove a search so it is no longer available to other users, you must unpublish it. The Manage Stored Searches screen indicates which searches are already published.

Note: If you unpublish a search that has a customized search associated with it, the iConsole displays an error when a reviewer attempts to run this customized search.

To publish or unpublish an individual search

  1. Go to the Administration tab and click Searches.

    The Manage Stored Searches screen appears.

  2. Click the check box for the search you want.
  3. Click the Actions button.
  4. Click Publish or Unpublish, as required.

To publish or unpublish multiple searches

  1. Go to the Administration tab and click Searches.

    The Manage Stored Searches screen appears.

  2. Click the check boxes for the searches you want.
  3. Click the Actions link at the top left of the screen.
  4. Click Publish Selected Searches or Unpublish Selected Searches, as required.