Individual attributes in both CA DataMinder and LDAP directories can contain multiple values. This has implications for user import operations from an LDAP directory.
Individual attributes in LDAP directories can contain multiple values. For example, a MemberOf attribute can contain all the mail groups or e-mail distribution lists that a user belongs to.
Account Import automatically writes multiple LDAP values to multiple values of a specific CA DataMinder user attribute. For example, you can import all the MemberOf distribution lists that a CA DataMinder user belongs to as separate values for an attribute renamed to Email Distribution Lists.
If necessary, Account Import can write multiple LDAP attributes to a single attribute of a CA DataMinder user account. For example, the LDAP directory may contain three attributes, Building, Floor and Desk number. Using Account Import, you can combine these attributes into a single value and write this value to a single CA DataMinder user attribute renamed to Desk Location.
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