Administration Guide › Machine Administration › Event Purging › Minimum Retention Period
Minimum Retention Period
CA DataMinder events become eligible for purging from the CMS when their minimum retention period expires. The retention period is measured in whole days, from midnight to midnight. For example, a 1000 day retention period implies that captured events must be retained in the CA DataMinder database for at least one thousand whole days before they can be purged. An event’s eligibility for purging therefore depends on its age. For:
- Captured e-mails, files or Web pages, their age is calculated from the time the trigger activated.
- Imported e-mails, the age is determined by the EMail.EventDateFromEMail parameter. This specifies whether the email capture date is set from the date in the e-mail itself or the date when it was imported. This parameter is described in the Archive Integration Guide; search for 'parameters: Event Import'.
Overriding the default retention period
CA DataMinder permits reviewers and policy administrators to override the default minimum retention period. For example:
- A reviewer may need to put an unauthorized e-mail on litigation hold. They can do this in the Review dialog of the Data Management console by overriding the expiry date of that e-mail's retention period. For example, they can specify that the retention period never expires.
- Policy administrators can set a custom retention period for all events captured by a specific trigger. For example, they may want to retain events captured by an Application Monitor trigger for one month only, but retain events captured by an e-mail trigger for three years.
More information:
Event Purging
Selective Trigger-Based Purging
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