For userattr, msgattr, and mapi commands.
<who> determines whether the email recipients or the sender are tested for characteristics that match the Data Lookup criteria. They are used with <stringoperator> to test for messages from specific senders, or messages sent to specific recipients.
The following <who> formats are supported:
(Only applicable to 'print or save' Data In Motion triggers.)
You can use 'with %user%' lookup commands in Data In Motion triggers invoked by the Client File System Agent (CFSA) or Client Print System Agent (CPSA). That is, use these lookup commands in triggers that detect files being printed or files being copied or saved to removable devices and network locations.
The Data In Motion trigger activates if the user's CA DataMinder account attribute matches the User Attribute Data Lookup criteria. The following lookup commands use IS and IS NOT operators to demonstrate a positive or negative inference respectively:
userattr with %user% where Department IS "Sales"
userattr with %user% where Rank IS NOT "Director"
Note: 'With %user%' lookup commands are not supported in Data In Motion triggers invoked by the CA DataMinder Network agent or ICAP agent. That is, you cannot use these lookup commands to detect files leaving your corporate network for the Internet, or files arriving from the Internet (such as file uploads or FTP transfers).
The trigger activates if the user attributes, Address Book properties, e-mail addresses, or display names for the recipients match the Data Lookup criteria. Specifically, there must be a match for any recipient, or every recipient, depending on whether the ANY or ALL operator is used.
Data lookup commands that compare strings have either a positive or negative inference. The following lookup commands use IS and IS NOT operators to demonstrate a positive or negative inference respectively:
mapi with ANY %recipient% where department IS "Sales"
mapi with ALL %recipient% where department IS NOT "Sales"
To simplify matters, you can use %recipient% without actually specifying ANY or ALL. For example, in the ‘positive’ mapi command, there is an implicit ANY before %recipient%:
mapi with %recipient% where department IS "Sales"
In the ‘negative’ mapi command, there is an implicit ALL before %recipient%:
mapi with %recipient% where department IS NOT "Sales"
The trigger activates if the user attributes or Address Book properties for any of the recipients match the Data Lookup criteria. If none of the recipients have matching user attributes or Address Book properties, the trigger does not activate.
The trigger activates only if the user attributes or Address Book properties of every recipient match the Data Lookup criteria. If any of the recipients have user attributes or Address Book properties that do not match the Data Lookup criteria, the trigger does not activate.
Only the sender’s user attributes or Address Book properties can activate the trigger.
You can use Data Lookup commands to trigger policies on Sent-on-Behalf-of users.
Note: Previous releases of CA DataMinder considered the delegate user as Sender, and applied the policy to the delegate. ‘Sent-on-behalf-of’ users are now detected as Senders by default, and policy is applied to them.
Example: User A allows Delegate B to send emails on his behalf. Although the email sender is Delegate B, policy is applied to User A using the %sentonbehalf% attribute.
UserAttr WITH %sentonbehalf% WHERE Wgn.GroupParent IS {“UK”}
Note: These formats can all be used in conjunction with <fallguy> subexpressions.
Internal and external recipients
Internal email addresses and, by inference, external addresses are defined by the Internal E-Mails setting in the Definitions folder of the user policy. The mechanism for matching email addresses against internal address patterns is the same as that used by CA DataMinder to match email addresses against lists of addresses defined in the capture or control triggers of a user policy.
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