iConsole User Guide › Searching for Events › Troubleshooting Event Searches
Troubleshooting Event Searches
Event Searches
When you search CA DataMinder for captured events, the search can sometimes find no matching events even when you know such events exist in the CMS database.
There are several possible reasons why this happens:
- You have not created a Search User database account. The iConsole needs two user accounts that it can use to access the CMS database. The first is the Primary User, specified when you install the CMS. The second is the Search User, used by the iConsole. This is a secure database account that is used to search the database for events. Without a Search User, reviewers will be unable to retrieve events. For details, see the Database Guide; search for ‘search user’.
- None of the event's associated users are mapped to iConsole users. For example, this can happen if you import e-mails or IM data but fail to keep e-mail addresses for your iConsole users up to date. In this situation, the iConsole may be unable to map an event's associated users to existing iConsole users.
- None of the iConsole users that are mapped to the event's associated users fall within your management groups. You can only retrieve search results for users belonging to groups within your management branches.
- Although one of the users mapped to the event's associated users is in your management group, they were not when the event was captured or imported. Management group boundary enforcement is based on the user group of the event's associated users at the time of capture. For example, if an e-mail sender was not in your management group when the e-mail was captured, you cannot search for that e-mail at a later date, even if the sender has subsequently been moved into your management group.
Note: To override management group constraints, you can assign the Admin: Disable management group filtering privilege to an administrator. For details, please refer to the Administrator Guide; search for 'searches, no matching events returned'.
- The events you are searching for have already expired. That is, their minimum retention period has expired and they have been purged from the CMS database.
- The event you are searching for has a capture date in the future. Such events are excluded from search results until after the capture date. This can only happen if the system clock is set to the wrong date on the relevant source machine (for example, a client machine hosting the Outlook client agent or, for imported e-mails, the sender’s machine).
Microsoft IE Limitation
Internet Explorer (version 7 or higher) enables you to view multiple Web sites in a single browser window using tabs. In the iConsole, if a user tries to log in as different users in two of these tabs, then the session login details of the iConsole in the first tab is overwritten. This is because IE tabs share session cookies and so tabs must share the session for a particular domain or URL. It is therefore not possible to use Internet Explorer tabs to log in as different users.
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