Note: These sections do not apply if your CMS uses an Oracle Database.
To successfully install the dashboard, your CA DataMinder primary login (such as WGNUSER) must have a database user in the msdb database. This database user must already been granted the SQLAgentUserRole role. This allows it to create and schedule SQL Server Agent jobs. Specifically, your primary login needs to create and run scheduled aggregation jobs.
New CMSs
The SQLAgentUserRole role in the msdb database is granted automatically to your primary login when you install a new SQL Server CMS. However, if the Standard Searches and Reports installation failed on a new CMS, you must first clean up the database before attempting to reinstall.
Cleaning up After a Failed Installation
If the reports.msi installation fails (for example, because your primary user did not have the correct database roles), you will need to clean up your CMS database before trying to reinstall. Specifically, you will need to remove any orphaned database users (that is, users no longer associated with a login), plus any dashboard aggregation jobs and related schedules.
Important! Do not delete the primary login from the \Security\Logins branch.
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