External Socket Agent API › Socket Agent › External Agent Socket API Messages › Flow of Messages
Flow of Messages
All communications with the Socket Agent are through TCP sockets. The following discussion and design assume the following:
Communications take place on a common configurable port number across all machines, but defaulting to 8538 (0x215A).
- There can be multiple simultaneous connections on each port (that is, multiple sockets).
- Communications on a single socket are bi-directional.
- Communication on each socket in each direction is in a continuous 'stream' of messages. The listener is responsible for splitting the stream into distinct messages.
- The caller is responsible for establishing socket connections to the Socket Agent, and maintaining the required number of sockets.
- Each message comprises a header and payload. The header size is fixed, whereas the payload can be arbitrarily long.
- Each message is self contained and atomic – the header identifies the type of message (for example, the command being executed) and all the required data to perform it.
- Authentication of the Socket Agent user is not deemed necessary as all these components are hosted on machines in proximity and existing LAN security protects all communication between them.
Example: TCP/IP Communications between the main components
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