If a user sends an email to multiple recipients using the Voltage Zero Download Manager, a separate copy of the SMTP email is generated for each recipient. CA DataMinder processes each copy separately, resulting in multiple email events on the CMS for what appears to be a single email.
Issues can also arise if CA DataMinder quarantines these emails. Depending on which agent captured the original email, reviewers may need to release each copy of the email separately from quarantine. If the emails were originally captured by the Exchange server agent, CA DataMinder forwards all copies of the emails to their respective recipients when a reviewer releases just one copy (addressed to a single recipient) from quarantine. But if the emails were originally captured by the Milter MTA agent or IIS SMTP agent, CA DataMinder only forwards the copy that was directly released from quarantine.
For example, an email is sent to Spencer Rimmel and Frank Schaeffer, resulting in two copies of the same email. CA DataMinder quarantines both copies. A reviewer subsequently releases from quarantine the copy addressed to Spencer Rimmel.
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