You install the BusinessObjects Universe for CA DataMinder by running a batch file, InstallUniverse.bat. This batch file installs the universe on your BusinessObjects Enterprise server.
To install the Universe and standard BusinessObjects reports for CA DataMinder
Note: We strongly recommend that you copy the \BusinessObjects folder to your BusinessObjects Enterprise server. Doing so avoids potential firewall problems when installing the universe.
This folder contains InstallUniverse.bat.
To set the JAVA_HOME environment variable before installing the universe, go to step 4.
To install the universe directly, go to step 5.
Where <PathToJRE> identifies the local JRE folder. See the previous section for details.
Important! Do not close the DOS box between steps b. and c! You must run both commands in the same DOS session to ensure that JAVA_HOME is correctly in scope. See the previous section for details.
Run InstallUniverse.bat directly.
Enter the name of the BusinessObjects Enterprise host server.
Enter the number of the port that BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS listens on. The default port number is 6400.
Enter the name of the user that CA DataMinder uses to connect to BusinessObjects Enterprise, for example, Administrator.
Enter the password for the BusinessObjects user.
Specify which database CA DataMinder uses, for example, SQL Server 2008 or Oracle 11g.
For SQL Server, provide the server name and instance plus the database name (for example, TACADLP\SQL2008 and WGN_TACADLP).
For Oracle, provide the server and database name (for example, TACADLP and TACADLP).
Enter the database account name for the Reporting User (for example, WgnReporting). This database account is created when you install the CA DataMinder data warehouse.
Enter the password for the Reporting User. You specify the password for this user when you install the CA DataMinder data warehouse.
Find this log file in the \BusinessObjects folder on the target computer that you specified in step 2.
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