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Reporting Process

When a reviewer runs an iConsole report, the reviewer's security model gets applied to the report. This ensures that the report only include events that the reviewer is permitted to see. All CA DataMinder users have a security model assigned to them.

But when a reviewer runs a BusinessObjects report for CA DataMinder, a BusinessObjects user runs the report. CA DataMinder therefore needs to map the correct security model to the BusinessObjects user. This section describes how CA DataMinder and BusinessObjects Enterprise interact to ensure that BusinessObjects reports always contain the correct information.

How do CA DataMinder and BusinessObjects Enterprise interact to generate reports?

  1. A reviewer (in this example, unipraxis\srimmel) logs on to the iConsole.
  2. The reviewer browses to the Review tab and runs a BusinessObjects report for CA DataMinder.
  3. The iConsole logs on to BusinessObjects Enterprise.

    This logon is normally automatic. However, your reviewers may have to enter their BusinessObjects user name and password when they first run a BusinessObjects report. This requirement to enter BusinessObjects credentials depends on the method used to map CA DataMinder reviewers to BusinessObjects accounts and whether Trusted Authentication is enabled between BusinessObjects Enterprise and the iConsole.

  4. BusinessObjects Enterprise connects to the CA DataMinder data warehouse using the Reporting User database account.
  5. BusinessObjects Enterprise submits to CA DataMinder the database query associated with the report plus the reviewer's BusinessObjects logon name.
  6. Before executing the database query, CA DataMinder runs an initialization routine to identify the reviewer.

    Specifically, CA DataMinder runs a stored procedure to map the reviewer's BusinessObjects account back to their CA DataMinder account.

  7. The stored procedure returns the security model assigned to the reviewer's CA DataMinder account.

    Security models ensure that reviewers can only see events they are permitted to see when running CA DataMinder reports, including BusinessObjects reports for CA DataMinder. See the Database Guide for details about security models.

  8. The Reporting User inherits the database views assigned to the Search User.

    In effect, CA DataMinder applies the reviewer's security model to the BusinessObjects report.

  9. CA DataMinder executes the report query submitted by the Reporting User.

    The reviewer's security model ensures that the report only include events that the reviewer is permitted to see.

  10. The report results are passed back to BusinessObjects Enterprise which performs any necessary processing (for example, generating charts).

    BusinessObjects Enterprise then displays the report in InfoView