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Status Details for CPUs

The CPUs or Analyzers screen in the NBA console shows summary statistics for each CPU or Network Analyzer process. Use these statistics to check whether frames are being received by the network filters and application filters, whether connections to policy engines are established, and the volume of traffic being captured and analyzed.

The CPUs screen shows the following columns of data:


Shows the names of the CPUs. These include the management CPU, cpu‑x, and the data processing CPUs:

On Bivio 7000 appliances, cpu-xlr handles network packet load-sharing.


Shows the CPU status, such as Active, Inactive or Rebooting.

On Bivio 7000 appliances, the temperature is also shown for active CPUs. cpu-xlr handles network packet load-sharing.


Shows the length of time that the CPU has been in an Active state.


Shows the IP address of the policy engine currently connected to the CPU. If no policy engine is connected, or if the NBA is trying to reconnect to a policy engine, this column shows ‘Unconfigured’ or ‘Reconnecting’ respectively.


Shows the port number of the policy engine currently connected to the CPU.


(Bivio 7000 appliances only) Shows the throughput rate of data being processed by the CPU.


Shows the total number of Ethernet frames seen on the data inspection ports s0.e0 and s0.e1. This value shows the volume of traffic seen by the NBA. A static value (one that does not change when you refresh the screen) indicates that the NBA is incorrectly connected to your network.

The TCP and UDP frames seen by the NBA are passed to the network filters defined in the NBA policy.


Shows the number of Ethernet frames flagged for further analysis by the network filters and consequently assembled into whole objects.

In technical terms, these are frames that met the criteria of any network filter whose <action> is set to 'analyze' in the NBA policy.

If this number is static (it does not change when you refresh the screen), this indicates that the NBA’s network filters are too restrictive (that is, they are ignoring or blocking frames instead of flagging them for further analysis).


Shows the number of emails, Webmails and files detected by the NBA.

In technical terms, this is the number of object data streams detected by the NBA and passed to an application filter for further analysis.


Shows the number of emails, Webmails and files passed to a policy engine for processing.

That is, these are decoded object data streams that met the criteria of any application filter whose <action> is set to 'analyze' in the NBA policy.


Shows the number of outstanding emails, Webmails and files held by the NBA while it waits for the results of policy engine processing. In each case, the outcome of the policy processing will be either ‘allow’ or ‘block’.


The number of internal NBA buffers currently allocated to pending emails and files (as measured by the OpenStrms value).

The NBA uses these buffers to store data packets while they wait to be written to disk or passed to policy engines. They are set by the <numberofbuffers> and <sizeofbuffers> tags in the NBA configuration file, nbaconfig.xml.