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Collect Diagnostic Data

The NBA provides a diagnostics utility that collates all relevant log files, NBA status details and configuration files into a single .gz file. If you contact CA Technical Support, you must provide this .gz file .

To collect diagnostic data

You run this utility from the web console:

  1. Log on to the NBA console and browse to the Administration screen.
  2. Click the Collect Diagnostics button.

    This generates a file of the available NBA diagnostic, status, configuration and log data. This data is written to a .gz file in the \diag folder on the NBA.

  3. Click the Diagnostics Bundle: Download button to download the most recent diagnostic file.

    Note: Downloaded diagnostic files are written to compressed .tar or .gz files. Depending on your browser, you may need to change a .tar file extension to .gz before reviewing the contents of a diagnostic file.