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This guide uses the following terms:

Active mode

In this mode, the NBA is physically inline between the corporate LAN and the Internet. In Active Mode, the NBA can be configured to block network packets containing files or emails and decode encrypted communications

Blocking template

See template.

Data inspection port

A port on an Ethernet switch that is used to copy network traffic from any or all data ports to a single unused port for data monitoring purposes.

In an NBA deployment, the data inspection port on the switch replicates packets to a ‘receiving’ data inspection port on the NBA for analysis.


A filter is a rule that determines how the NBA handles data packets meeting a specific set of criteria. The NBA supports network filters and application filters. Filters are part of the NBA policy.

FTP folder

This folder provides remote access to files on the NBA, such as the NBA policy file, nbapolicy.xml, log files, plus files and emails reassembled from data packets analyzed by the NBA.

In particular, it allows users to access NBA files from their workstation using Windows Explorer.

Management port

On the Bivio platform, this is the Ethernet port labeled 'Mgmt' on the front of the NBA Network Processor Card. Use this port to manage NBA operations and connect to CA DataMinder policy engines.

On the Linux Server platform, you can configure any conventional Ethernet port with an IP address and use it to manage NBA operations and connect to CA DataMinder policy engines.

Mirroring port

See data inspection port.

NBA console

A Web-based console that enables you to manage key NBA operations (including stopping and restarting data captures) and monitor the status of NBA components.

NBA console user

This is the user account that you use to log onto the NBA console.

On Bivio 7000 appliances or a Linux Server platform, this account is also known as the NBA webadmin user.

NBA appliance

The dedicated hardware on which the NBA resides. These are also referred to as NBA boxes. The image shows the Bivio 7000.

Bivio 7000 appliance

Note: The NBA can also be installed on a Linux Server platform which is a particular specification of a 2U rack server. Details are described under Linux Server Hardware Specification.


A configuration file on the NBA that contains various parameters to control NBA operations.

For example, you can edit these parameters to specify targeted web browsing file types and disk usage thresholds.


A configuration file on the NBA that contains various parameters to control NBA operations.

For example, you can edit these parameters to specify targeted IP addresses, protocols and logging levels.

Notification template

See template.

Output mode

This describes how the NBA outputs captured items: to the local hard disk; via a socket connection to policy engines and/or a remote PE connector (a type of policy engine hub); to all of these; or to none.

Packet processing

The NBA’s ability to process data packets passing through the NBA. You can configure NBA filters to allow, block or analyze specific data packets.

Note: A data packet on the wire is often also referred to as a frame.

Passive mode

In this mode, the NBA can read files and emails from data packets being sent over the Internet boundary. You can use the data inspection port to supply the NBA with copies of data packets, or connect the NBA in-line with the network. In Passive Mode the NBA cannot block files or emails or decode encrypted communications.

SPAN port

See data inspection port.


The Secure Sockets Layer is a cryptographic protocol that encrypts the segments of network connections above the Transport Layer, using symmetric cryptography for privacy and a keyed message authentication code for message reliability.

Stream blocking

The NBA can identify and block individual data streams passing through the NBA.


This is an HTML file that contains the notification message shown to users when a Web page or file upload is blocked.