This section describes how to install BusinessObjects Enterprise on your reports server.
To run the CA Business Intelligence installer
After a short delay (possibly several minutes), the CA Business Intelligence installer starts and prompts you for a locale.
CA sample templates include example reports that demonstrate BusinessObjects reporting capabilities. You can customize these sample reports.
The response file, cabireponse.ini, records your choices when you run the CA Business Intelligence installer. You can use the response file to automate any subsequent installations. For example, you may want to rerun the installation on a production system after evaluating CA Business Intelligence on a test system.
There may be a short delay while the CA Business Intelligence Setup wizard starts.
Note: If the wizard does not appear, check that it is not hidden behind the installer window.
We do not recommend using SQL Anywhere in production systems.
For example, click this option if you prefer to use SQL Server for your BusinessObjects databases.
If you do not check this option, you must manually enable and run the BusinessObjects Enterprise application server from the Central Configuration Manager (CCM) after installation.
Note: The 'CMS' in these instructions is the BusinessObjects Central Management Server, which manages the entire BusinessObjects Enterprise system. Do not confuse this BusinessObjects CMS with the CA DataMinder Central Management Server.
The BusinessObjects CMS communicates with other BusinessObjects Enterprise servers through the specified port. The default CMS port number is 6400.
(Optional) Select the 'Configure the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator password at a later time' check box if you want to set the password after the installation is complete. If you select this check box, you must log in to the CMC with a blank password for the first time to be able to change the Administrator password.
A Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) node is automatically created during installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise. The Server Intelligence Agent screen is used to name and designate a port address for the SIA.
By default, the node name is same as the system host name, but excluding any unsupported characters.
This port is used by the SIA to communicate with the BusinessObjects CMS. The default port number is 6410.
The wizard validates the port number and warns you if the specified port is not available.
Note: Server Intelligence is the underlying management architecture that simplifies the BusinessObjects Enterprise administration and deployment. Server Intelligence enables you to use the CMC for all daily maintenance tasks, such as configuring new servers, or starting and stopping existing servers. For details about Server Intelligence, see the CA Business Intelligence Implementation Guide.
Select the DBMS that you want to use for the BusinessObjects CMS and Auditing databases. If you select:
Select the ODBC data source that you created previously. BusinessObjects uses this data source to connect to the database that you created previously (BOREPOS in the earlier example).
On 64-bit systems, you must specify a 32-bit ODBC System DSN to connect to Oracle.
Note: If the ODBC connection that you need is not listed, you may need to correct a new ODBC System DSN. Alternatively, your ODBC System DSN may be configured incorrectly. For more details, see Troubleshooting.
The web application server runs BusinessObjects Enterprise web applications such as InfoView, the CMC, and custom web applications. For integration with CA DataMinder, you must deploy BusinessObjects applications to a Java-based web application server (a Tomcat web application server is included with BusinessObjects Enterprise).
Note: Do not deploy these applications to the IIS web application server included in your Windows operating system. CA DataMinder does not support IIS web application servers.
The wizard automatically installs and configures Tomcat.
The wizard prompts you to enter the configuration and authentication information on the next screen.
Depending on your selection, you can now configure your web application server or start the installation process.
See the CA Business Intelligence Requirements section for details about these ports.
Wait while the installer configures CA Business Intelligence for your reports server. This configuration can take several minutes.
If the progress window does not appear, check that it is not hidden behind the installer window.
When the installation is complete, the Installation Complete screen displays.
Note: The installation can take a long time, up to an hour.
When this main installation completes, the CA Business Intelligence installer installs any required BusinessObjects service packs or fixes plus the CA Report templates (if that option was selected).
After the post-installations are performed, the CA Business Intelligence Completion screen displays with a summary of the installation.
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