CA Business Intelligence is a branded installation wrapper for SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (BOXI). CA Business Intelligence can optionally also install supporting software (MySQL database and a Tomcat web application server) if you do not have preferred equivalents already available.
CA Business Intelligence is supplied as a 6GB Winzip file. You must unzip this file before starting the CA Business Intelligence installation. We recommend that you unzip it to a local disk for performance reasons. The unzipped files require 7GB of disk space. The installed application files require a further 8GB.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
BOXI is a complete enterprise reporting infrastructure with many components, most of which CA DataMinder does not use. CA DataMinder uses core BOXI elements, especially the WebIntelligence reporting component. WebIntelligence is a web-based client for end users. The WebIntelligence client queries tables in the CA DataMinder database to produce its reports.
BOXI requires an ODBC connection to a BusinessObjects Enterprise (BOE) database to hold the BOXI repository.
BOXI optionally requires an ODBC connection to a BOE audit database if you want to enable auditing of BOXI usage. The BOE audit database can be on the same database server as the main BOE database. However, we recommend that you locate the audit database in a separate schema, which means that the audit database also needs a separate ODBC connection.
If you install a SQL Anywhere database when you install CABI 3.3, the installer automatically creates ODBC connections to SQL Anywhere and configures BOXI to use those ODBC connections. Howerver, we do not recommend SQL Anywhere for heavily used production systems.
We do recommend a SQL Server database. We also recommend Oracle and DB2, but SQL Server offers a simpler backup and recovery process.
Note: We do not recommend SQL Server Express because of its sleep mode.
Yes. The BOXI repository database requirements are not excessive. For example, a 100MB of database disk space can store around 30,000 objects (where an 'object' is a single report instance).
If required, you can therefore co-locate the BOXI repository database on an existing database server, providing that the existing server is not already overloaded.
BOXI uses a web application server.
CA DataMinder uses integration functionality that is only supported by BOXI in its Java stack. Therefore CA DataMinder does not use.NET Framework . Instead, CA DataMinder requires a Java application server such as Apache Tomcat. The CA Business Intelligence installer includes an embedded version of Tomcat that you can optionally install.
Integration with BOXI puts no additional workload on the iConsole. All the processing is performed by BOXI.
CA DataMinder integration with BOXI enables single sign-on when:
• CA DataMinder passes an iConsole user’s reporting request to BOXI.
• BOXI presents the report results back to the iConsole user.
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