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Collect Napatech Logs

Follow this procedure to collect Napatech logs.

  1. Use your terminal emulation application (such as PuTTY) to onnect to the NBA as root.
  2. From a shell prompt, run this sequence of commands:
    cd /opt/napatech3/bin
  3. Copy the screen output from your terminal emulation application to a text file.
  4. Enter ‘q’ to exit profiling.
  5. From a shell prompt, run the next sequence of commands:
    mkdir /home/smb/log/napatech
    chmod 777 /home/smb/log/napatech
    dmesg >/home/smb/log/napatech/dmesg-log.txt
    ./ntlog >/home/smb/log/napatech/ntlog-log.txt
    cd ../config
    cp n* /home/smb/log/napatech
    cd /home/smb/log/napatech
    tar cvf napatech-info.tar *
    gzip napatech-info.tar
  6. Send the napatech-info.tar.gz file and the 'profiling' text file that you created in step 3 to Napatech Support.