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SQL Server Database for CA DataMinder

(Applicable to the CMS and gateways)

When you install a CMS or gateway, the installation wizard creates a SQL Server database and the necessary database tables plus, optionally, the required logins. For details about installing a CMS or gateway, see the Platform Deployment Guide.

For CMSs and gateways running a SQL Server database, the installation wizard prompts you for:

Host Server

When you select the server hosting the database, the wizard sets the IP port and database name automatically. You can change these details, if necessary.

Primary User

This account is the main CA DataMinder database login. For SQL Server databases, the Primary User owns the schema.

Search User

The CA DataMinder consoles use this login when running event searches.

Manually Creating a Database Before Installing a CMS or Gateway

(Optional) You can manually create a database before you install the CMS or gateway:

More information:

SQL Server Logins