If you upgrade from a previous version of CA DataMinder, any existing user assigned to a custom role retains this custom role in the current version of CA DataMinder. However, such custom user roles are not supported in the iConsole. In particular, you cannot specify which features are available to users with custom roles when they use the iConsole. In this situation, we recommend that you assign users without a recognized role to an equivalent 'official' user role.
You can manually reassign these users to existing user roles. Or you can use the 'CustomRoleUpgrade' utility to automate this process.
About the 'CustomRoleUpgrade' utility
This command line utility creates new user roles that correspond to these various custom roles held by your users. It then reassigns these users to the new user roles. CustomRoleUpgrade saves the new roles and the required user-role assignments in two files:
New roles are given default names such as CustomUserRole0013, CustomUserRole0014, and so on. We recommend that you give more meaningful names to these roles. You can rename the roles before implementing the changes on the CMS, or you may find it easier to rename them in the Administration console after implementing the changes.
If you renamed user roles in CRUMachineProfile.xml, you must make the corresponding name changes in CRUAccountImport.acc too!
For details about command files for importing users, see the Account Import chapter in the Platform Deployment Guide.
To implement these changes, you must manually import these files back onto the CMS.
To automatically reassign users with custom roles to equivalent official roles
wgninfra -exec wigan/infrastruct/utils/CustomRoleUpgrade CreateFiles
This command generates the CMS profile file and Account Import command file. By default, the files are saved in the \System subfolder below the CA DataMinder installation folder.
For example, if CustomUserRole0022 is a specialist role for reviewers with responsibility for quarantined events, make the following changes:
Find the 'role 22' entry:
<role index="22"> <name>CustomUserRole0022</name> <privileges>0x43502616420A</privileges> </role>
And change it to this:
<role index="22"> <name>Qarantine Reviewer</name> <privileges>0x43502616420A</privileges> </role>
Important: Do not enclose the role name in double quotes, even if it includes spaces!
Find all entries like this:
And change them to this:
setrole,"unipraxis\oabassi","Qarantine Reviewer"
Important: You must enclose the role name in double quotes, even if it does not include any spaces!
wgninfra -exec wigan/infrastruct/machine/Profile Import CRUMachineProfile.xml
This command creates the new user roles on the CMS.
wgninfra -exec wigan/infrastruct/accounts/AccountImport Start /in CRUAccountImport.acc
This command reassigns affected users to the new user roles.
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