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Primary Administrator Account Is No Longer Unique

When you install a CMS, you must specify an administrator account. In previous releases, this account was the Primary Administrator, which had a ‘Custom’ user role. This account had full administrative privileges. These privileges could never be changed and the account could never be deleted.

In the current CA DataMinder release, the Primary Administrator no longer has a unique role but is instead assigned to the Administrator role. All user accounts assigned to the Administrator role have equal administrative authority. All have the full set of privileges, and no privilege can be withdrawn from the Administrator role or from individual administrators. In addition, any administrator can now:

These changes apply equally to the Primary Administrator account that you created when you installed the CMS. They also apply to your existing Primary Administrator account if you upgrade from an earlier version of CA DataMinder. For example, any CA DataMinder administrator can now delete or reassign your Primary Administrator.

Note: This role change for the Primary Administrator change has been introduced to support role-based iConsole configuration. Briefly, you can now specify which iConsole features (portlets, searches, and so on) are available to users with specific user roles.