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Add a CA DataMinder CMS Entry to Tnsnames.ora

(Oracle CA DataMinder CMSs only)

An Oracle CA DataMinder CMS must use a 32-bit ODBC System DNS to connect to your BusinessObjects CMS. To allow the CA DataMinder CMS to connect using 32-bit Oracle client software, the tnsnames.ora file must include an entry for the CA DataMinder CMS database. You must also specify the location of tnsnames.ora in the registry.

To specify the location of Tnsnames.ora

  1. On your BusinessObjects server, create a TNS_ADMIN registry value in the following registry key:

    Where 'KEY_OraClient11g_home1' is the registry key for your Oracle 32-bit client software installation.

  2. Set the key data to be the full path to the \Network\Admin folder. For example:

    Where 'C:\app\ora11gclient\product\11.2.0\client_1' is the ORACLE_HOME folder for your Oracle 32-bit client software installation.

To edit Tnsnames.ora

  1. Create and edit a tnsnames.ora file In the \Network\Admin folder.
  2. Add an entry to tnsnames.ora that specifies the CA DataMinder database. For example:
    ORCLPL11 =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = DB_SRVR. = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = ORCLPL11)