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Enable Anonymous Access

If your iConsole application servers and front-end Web servers are deployed in an environment where they cannot communicate using Microsoft Windows authentication, you must enable anonymous access for both of the iConsole virtual directories.

For example, you may need to do this if the application server and front-end Web server are in separate domains and where, for security reasons, the front-end Web server’s domain is not trusted by the application server’s domain.

To enable anonymous access, you need to configure the authentication methods for both of the iConsole virtual directories. By default, these are named CA and CAWebService.

To enable anonymous access

  1. In IIS, edit the properties of the application server virtual directory, CAWebService.
    1. In the Properties dialog, go to the Directory Security tab and click the Edit button under Anonymous Access and Authentication Control (IIS 5.x) or Authentication and Access Control (IIS 6.x) to open the Authentication Methods dialog.
    2. In the Authentication Methods dialog, enable anonymous access only. This method ensures that when the front-end Web server accesses the CAWebService virtual directory, no authentication credentials are required.
  2. Still in IIS, now edit the properties of the front-end Web server virtual directory (its default name is cadataminder).
    1. As before, in the Properties dialog, go to the Directory Security tab and click the Edit button under Anonymous Access and Authentication Control (IIS 5.x) or Authentication and Access Control (IIS 6.x) to open the Authentication Methods dialog.
    2. In the authentication dialog, enable anonymous access only.