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Finalize the Installation (As Admin)

If you have powered up the system before, and you have previously logged in as ‘admin’, note that the system does not prompt you to log in as ‘admin’.

To finalize the installation

  1. Log in as ‘admin’ now.
    System Name:
    CPU-X login: admin
    Last login: Tue Jan 30 08:01:00 on /dev/tts/0
    You are now logged in to CPU-X of
    BiviOS Version (Build 200803051300) CLI
    Loading ................................
  2. Enter the configuration commands as shown in the following example:
    system[admin:]> configure interfaces
    system[admin:interfaces]> set interface mgt0 address netmask
    Conflict checking interface address...Done!
    system[admin:interfaces]> configure system
    Do you want to perform a "commit boot" on your changes? (y/n) [y] y
    Interface configuration committed.
    system[admin:system]> set mccp subnet address
    * To change the MCCP subnet to, the system must be rebooted.
    Do you want to commit your changes and reboot now? (y/n) [y] y

    The system restarts.

  3. Wait for the system to restart. You do not need to set a ROM password. Do not press escape at the ROM Menu prompt. Wait until the ‘CPU-X login:’ prompt appears.

    When you have completed these tasks, continue with the NBA software installation procedure.