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Enable the Data Warehouse at Install Time

The Data Warehouse is installed automatically when you install a new CA DataMinder CMS, but you must explicitly enable the data warehouse if you want to use the iConsole dashboard or run BusinessObjects reports for CA DataMinder.

To enable the Data Warehouse

  1. Follow the standard instructions for installing a CA DataMinder CMS and navigate the installer screens to the Data Warehouse Configuration screen.

    See the reference below for details about installing a CMS.

  2. Fill in the following fields. Then click Next.
    Enable data warehousing for this CMS

    Select this check box enable the data warehouse.

    Collect event participant data

    Select this check box to collect event participant data.

    Important! You must collect event participant data if you intend to run BusinessObjects reports.

  3. In the Data Warehouse Database Account screen, define the following database accounts.

    In all cases, click the ellipsis button button to specify the account credentials. In the resulting User Credentials dialog, specify the username and password for the database account. If this account is a new account, select the Create User check box.

    Data Warehouse User

    External reporting applications (such as BusinessObjects Enterprise) use this database account to connect to the Data Warehouse and CMS database.

    Unrestricted Search User

    This database account corresponds to the 'Unrestricted' security model. CA DataMinder consoles and external reporting tools can use this database account when searching the CA DataMinder Data Warehouse and CMS database for events. Unlike normal Search User database accounts, the Unrestricted Search User is not subject to row level security (RLS) when searching the database. If a reviewer has 'Unrestricted' security model, the reviewer can see any events when they run a search or report. Search results or reports are not restricted by policy class or the reviewer’s management group.

    Database Administrator User

    If either of the database accounts specified above are new, specify the Database Administrator User that the installation wizard can use to log in to SQL Server or Oracle to create these new accounts.

    For Oracle databases, this Database Administrator account must have the following system privileges:

  4. Continue to the final wizard screen and click Install.
  5. (Only applicable to SQL Server Express CMSs) If your data warehouse is hosted in a SQL Server Express database, you must manually enable and schedule the processing jobs that populate the data warehouse.

More information:

Do I Need To Collect Event Participant Data?