Stored Data Integration Guide › Scanning Jobs › Scheduled Scanning Jobs › Schedule a Scanning Job
Schedule a Scanning Job
A scanning job must have a schedule defined before it can run. This allows the job to run repeatedly at regular intervals. You can also override the schedule and run a job immediately.
You typically set up a scan schedule immediately after creating a new job. You can modify this schedule subsequently.
To schedule a scan
- Log on to the Administration console host machine as the FSA Job Setup User. For details about this user, account see the reference below.
- In the Administration console, create a scanning job or modify a schedule for an existing job. See Manage Scanning Jobs for details.
In both cases, the Schedule Job dialog appears.
- Go to the Task tab and enter the FSA Run As User in the Run As field. For details about this user, account see the reference below.
Important! When a scheduled scanning job is running, it is essential that nobody logs onto the target machine using the same account as the FSA!
- Go to the Schedule tab and specify when and how often the scanning job runs.
- (Optional) Go to the Settings tab and configure further settings that define when the scanning job runs.
For example, you can stop the job if it overruns, or you can set it to only run if the target computer is idle.
More information:
FSA Job Setup User
FSA Run As User
Schedule Job Dialog
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