This procedure installs the main database tables for the CMS.
Run the SQL Server scripts using the OSQL utility. For each generated script, run an OSQL command while connecting to the database as the ‘CA DataMinder database user’. This is the account that CA DataMinder will use to access the CMS database.
Install the CMS database tables
Ensure that all necessary privileges and roles are assigned to these accounts.
OSQL ‑U sa ‑P password ‑d WGN ‑i NativeCreateTables.sql ‑o NativeCreateTables.log
Specifies the SQL Server login for CA DataMinder.
Specifies the password for the SQL Server login.
Specifies the database name for the CA DataMinder database.
Specifies the SQL script.
Specifies the output log file.
Note: Parameters are case-sensitive.
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