The %SSN% variable wraps up a large expression that: identifies US Social Security Numbers; eliminates common false positives; validates the number using the highgroup.txt file; and removes all white spaces. The expression returns the number in a %SSN% variable that can be used in smart tags and user notification messages.
%SSN% expands to:
{%mark% %digits% %return% %mark% %<<% {{@|%digits%|\\|{%joined%%word%}}%false%} [?] %return% %mark% %>>% %#{\d[9]}|{\d[3]{-| }\d[2]{-| }\d[4]}% {{@|%digits%|\\|{%joined%%word%}}%false%}[?] %return% %mark% %<<% {{-|tel|tele|telephone|+|fax}%false%}[?] %return% %>>% %<SSN validate="SSN" transform="onlydigits">% {%digits%{-[?]%digits%}[2]}|%#\d[9]% %</SSN>% }
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