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Example Configuration File

An XML configuration file must adhere to the format shown below. This example configures the NBA to run in active mode, and outputs captured objects to policy engines via a socket connection. It only detects files uploaded to or downloaded from Web sites, targeting specific types of Microsoft Office files. It also specifies the amount of buffer storage available to the NBA and the free disk space threshold.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<wigan xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="wigan://NBAConfig v1.0">
        <debugflags type="simpleEnumDebugFlags" value="none" />
            <online type="booleanType" value="true" />
            <active type="booleanType" value="true" />
            <capture type="simpleNBAcaptureMode" value="socket" />
            <objtypes type="stringListType">
                <element value="HTTPPOST" />
                <element value="HTTPGET" />
            <httpgetfiletypes type="stringType" 
             value=";DOC;DOCX;XLS;XLSX;PPT;PPX" />
            <numberofbuffers type="numberType" value="20000" />
            <sizeofbuffers type="numberType" value="8000" />
            <policyenginespercpu type="numberType" value="1" />
            <diskfullpercent type="numberType" value="80" />
            <diskfullintervalsecs type="numberType" value="15" />
                <validityperioddays type="numberType" value="730" />
                <commonname type="stringType" value="CA DataMinder Network" />
                <organizationname type="stringType" value="CA Technologies" />
                <localityname type="stringType" value="Islandia" />
                <provincename type="stringType" value="NY" />
                <countryname type="stringType" value="US" />
                <ciphersuites type="stringType" 
                 value="ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:@STRENGTH" />